If I am speaking in complete honesty I do not know what love is. I know love in the sense of loving my family and loving my friends because that love is simple to me. Love in the sense of a relationship is so confusing to me because I have never felt that type of love in my life. I think it is more important to love yourself before loving someone else. Don't get me wrong I love the whole idea of being in a relationship but I also think it might not be for me. Why you ask? I don't think I have the maturity at this time in my life to be in that type of relationship. In order to love someone else in that manner you have to love yourself. So now ending this question out into the void also known as the internet...
The other day my mom asked me why I was so adamant to not talk to boys
and I did not have an answer. But, I think I finally figured it out. I
have never felt like I was worthy of a boy's attention. I am not adamant
not to talk to boys I am adamant to avoid rejection. There are so many
girls that are prettier than me so why would a boy even notice me? Love is confusing and I'll probably never actually find out what it is because I have a hard time trusting and opening up to people. It's not that I'm not attracted to guys I am there are definitely boys who I find attractive but I just have never dated anyone and am still in the process of loving myself enough before I date someone.
Random Side Story from today... it's funny but also I don't really understand... whatever here's the story: ok so my roommate was texting one of her guy friends and apparently he said to say hi to me. I wasn't in the room so my roommate was like I'll let her know then he replied and said he felt bad because he didn't think I knew what boys were. I'm sorry I haven't dated or had sex with anyone. Maybe boys are such mystical creatures that if you haven't had sex woth one of them they no longer exist. Needless to say, I am rather salty about what he said.
Ok back to what I was actually talking about. Love is a very serious feeling to love is to accept something flaws and all without. That's all I have for today much love talk to you again soon.
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